
Showing posts from February, 2020

What is the difference of Espresso

                                   Espresso Gift Basket                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ...
                                     Take care of  yourself and others by washing  your hands                                                                            Right now  the flu is all around  us  I have  diabetes  so infections  try to  find me. I work hard  trying to keep well. I use to think that you could get sick by someone having a cold around you .But that is not always true. We are in the world of got to get it done now. When we are at work,school,or home  we share things right? Have you ever wonder if that person washed  their hands after they left the bathroom? Maybe you do not  want to think about it. Or  hit the san...

Spa Gifts


For the one I Love on Valentine

Sweetheart A gift  basket that tell that  someone special you love  them. The  gift basket is pink with a pink heart  printed on the gift box. A beautiful bow  with  a pink ribbon  with pink  hearts  and a lace  trim around the  gift basket . Inside this  beautiful  gift  basket.1 Sleep Bath Soak  Lavender and  Vanilla,By  Apothecary.17.6 oz 1 Cucumber Melon Bar Soap  9 oz . 1 Candle with pink hearts on the candle . All for $17.99 .